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Albert Doubletree Resident ( on 7/10/2012 - 8:49 a.m. says: ( 144 views , 6 likes )

"For me without question it is #1 and the current efforts to affect #2"

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Which, in your opinion, is the bigger crime?

1.  An American citizen is denied the right to vote, or

2.  An ineligible person successfully casts a vote.

It is just my suspicion, but I am guessing that most of the disagreement comes from how we answer this question.  I belong to the do everything you can to avoid denying a citizen his or her right to vote camp (aka better that 100 guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison).

So, while I have not been posting in here, I track all the arguments that worry about citizens not being able to vote or sick people not getting coverage, and I struggle to understand when people seem more concerned that an ineligible person might vote or that a now-covered 50-year-old might get the kidney transplant instead of the riskier 80-year-old who need not worry about that uninsured 50-year-old under the current system.


are ridiculous, wasteful and obviously politically driven.  I have read that nationwide from 2002 to 2007 there were 120 cases where people were charged with casting a fraudulent vote.  Far fewer than that number were actually prosecuted.  For this we are disenfranchising a far larger number of eligible voters; I have seen reports of as many as 5 million.  Current efforts are absurd. It is like trying to kill a gnat in a crowded room by using a flame thrower. That is the crime and those responsible for and supportive of these current efforts are guilty.  
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