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TxGator Doubletree Resident ( on 7/15/2012 - 9:41 a.m. says: ( 262 views , 11 likes )

"I am out of the hospital but not out of the woods...."

For those interested in the short story, here's what we know. I didn't have a stroke. So what did I have? Well, in order or probability.

1a: Retinal artery occlusion - Retinal artery occlusion is a blockage in one of the small arteries that carry blood to the retina. The retina is a layer of tissue in the back of the eye that is able to sense light.

1b: TIA/Ministroke  - A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is when blood flow to a part of the brain stops for a brief period of time. A person will have stroke-like symptoms for up to 1-2 hours. A TIA is felt to be a warning sign that a true stroke may happen in the future if something is not done to prevent it.

2: Occular migraine - Ocular migraines cause vision loss or blindness lasting less than an hour, along with or following a migraine headache'

So, what happened (the long story)?

Well, shortly after my LJS post (oh the irony) I began to lose my vision. Everything became blurry and starry. When I would close my right eye I could barely see anything at all with my left As this progressed I kept informing a coworker. I got up to walk outside and see if it were the fluorescent lighting that was bothering me. I stumbled into the wall (on the right side) two times before ever getting outside. So I turned around and went to sit back at my desk. Shortly after that I lost all peripheral vision in my left eye. I could see nothing to the left of me. Zero. Zip. Nada. I misspelled words in a txt to my wife to come get me. About 50 minutes or so had passed by this time. And suddenly my vision returned.

At about that time a coworker, who is a form paramedic came back from lunch and got wind of what had happened. He checked my eyes, pulse, and ability to speak and answer basic questions and then told me to go to the ER or my Dr IMMEDIATELY.

So, with my wife about 30 minutes away (picking our kids up from swim practice)  I began to drive towards my Dr's office. My regular Dr said go to an opthamologist or the ER. 2 failed calls to opthamologists and I took myself to the ER. The ER Dr and ER neurologist both agreed I'd either had a mini-stroke or a retinal artery occlusion and admitted me.

Over the next 24 hours they tested by urine, blood, CT of head (I DO have a brain), ultrasound of coratid artery, ECG, EKG and finally a MR of my brain. It wasn't until the MRI that the finally ruled out stroke. Throughout my stay they were having me take aspirin and were injecting me with another blood thinner in the stomach. I "slept" with some sort of heart monitor on.

I am overweight but not obese (FWIW I don't eat a LOT of bad foods but I eat too much, in general). I have high blood pressure but it is under control (excellent numbers) with medication. This I knew going in. I learned that my high cholesterol is a little high (I didn't get the numbers yet) and they prescribed lipitor and pavix (sp)? for me to take home and want me to take an aspirin daily. The Dr on my case says he feels it was a mini-stroke and made this diagnosis on my symptoms, my lack of symptoms and my high BP and cholesterol. The neurologist who saw me after being admitted says it was an occular migraine despite the fact that I had no other symptoms of one. I think mostly because of my age (40) and the fact I have had migraines before. But at any rate, they released me and said I am to follow up with my regular doctor, a neurologist ( I am not seeing the one who saw me in the hospital) and an opthamologist. My appoinments start tomorrow......

Thank for you the thoughts and prayers. It makes a difference.

God Bless you all,


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"Complicated is easy" - Tx


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