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Albert Doubletree Resident ( on 8/16/2012 - 2:56 p.m. says: ( 148 views , 9 likes )

"Here's one guy's argument. He doesn't seem stupid to me, but what do I know"

Message Replied To ==========

Obama's economy is an unmitigated disaster....

Any Obama supporter arguing for his economic policies is like a Bush supporter still arguing there was just cause to ivade Iraq. One's brain has to be completely switched off to take either position.    ==============================

GDP performance during the Obama Administration has gone into positive growth.

US stock markets performance during the Obama Administration...
DOW in 01/20/2009: 7,949.09
DOW in 08/07/2012: 13,168.22
Rate of Return: 65.66%

S&P 500 in 01/20/2009: 805.22
S&P 500 in 08/07/2012: 1,401.34
Rate of Return: 74.03%

NASDAQ in 01/20/2009: 1,440.86
NASDAQ in 08/07/2012: 3,015.86
Rate of Return: 109.31%

Private jobs hemorrhage slowed down during the Obama Administration and eventually went into positive territory.

Comparing unemployment rate fluctuation between President Bush and President Obama.

1/20/2001: 4.2%
1/20/2009: 7.7%
Unemployment Rate Change: 83.33% increase

1/20/2009: 7.7%
Currently: 8.3%
Unemployment Rate Change: 7.80% increase

Unemployment rate has been trending down now during the Obama Administration...

...Even though the Tea Party Nation urged small business owners to not hire people in order to make Obama look bad

Or when a company with company policies about not hiring until Obama is gone based on nothing to do with the basic supply and demand process for his business goods.

Or having Mitch McConnell admit that Republicans took America hostage

Or having the GOP blocked a 10 percent tax break for small businesses that hires new employees

Even so, the job market did improve. Read all about it...

Private-sector job growth biggest in 3 years (new window)

Stealth signs of a stronger job market (new window)

Biggest unemployment rate improvement in nearly 28 years (new window)

Small businesses ramp up jobs (new window)

Jobs: 2 hopeful signs (new window)

The unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009 (new window)

Stealth jobs boom: 6 months, 2 million jobs (new window)

Jobless claims plunged last week to a nearly four-year low (new window)


you are unemployed or underemployed, you don't have a 4 year degree (or

higher) and blame Obama for your situation, then maybe you should get a

college degree. It is not the Government's fault you don't have the

necessary skills to compete in today's world. The Government can even

help you pay for it (via student loans, grants, GI Bill etc.).

Average weekly paychecks have improved.

Inflation has not been out of control.

Manufacturing has started to go up.

Consumer spending is up.

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